الخميس، 7 أبريل 2011

the lost soul


When I walk in that street I know that there is...Something wrong
There is something... not right
I look around me …Search for nothing
That’s char… that`s tree
There is an image that comes and goes
Every time I come here..
I feel the wind tries to take me with here
One day I decide to follow it...
And let it free my soul... To take it where ever it want …
And I stood in the middle of the street.
Body without soul…
Dead body…that the way I was …
And I flow with the wind
For the first time I believe that human can fly
It backs me to the past…
Where we were playing
Me and my dad…
My ball fall down the road ,
I tried to Bick it up...but a van was in a hurry
After awhile I found myself in the other side of the street
And my dad on the other one..but he wasn’t able to move
After I reach to the other side.. I found that,
His soul reached to the sky before I reach to him
My tears fall dawn ..
And the wind get harder…
Try to move me …
But I reject to left my father here,
I need him so much ..
I don’t wanna to lose him ..again
Wind get tougher more and more
It`s tries to tell me something .. But I refuse to obey
And after a while ..I felt something strang
Something try to suck me ..
I tried to go back to my body
But I get shock when I saw..
My body …they took it
There is a blood … A lot of people in the place
Somebody please told me what’s happened ..
No one here me ,I shout loud
But there is no answer ..
There’s a lot of glass
Oh my god…
 I`m standing in front of glass
but no reflection for me …
…now I’m just a soul..as they said in all that fairy tales
Dad should not save me that day…That van was for me
…Not for him
And here is the destiny follow me ..To make the justice
That missed for a lot of time…

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